Console Log Better Practices with PnPjs V3

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I was recently asked by a conference attendee to help him understand when to use the @pnp/logging package that we ship with PnPjs. This is an excellent question, and I’ve addressed it somewhat before in a previous post called Resolve to Log. All of the guidance I included about the package in that post still applies, however the examples references V2 of the library. To recap there is the ability to create a ConsoleLogger, a FunctionalLogger, or a custom listener class and then register that listener to the PnPjs timeline via the PnPLogging behavior. [Continue Reading]

Getting Started with PnPjs

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This content has also been posted on Microsoft 365 Platform Community Blog. Introduction As a co-maintainer of the PnPjs library I know it can be difficult for those just starting out with the library. I wanted to introduce a blog post that goes into more depth about how to start your journey. Let’s drive right in. What is PnPjs PnPjs is a collection of fluent libraries for consuming SharePoint, Graph, and Office 365 REST APIs. So what is a fluent library. Essentially it just means that instead of creating a URL as a string, and then using the fetch api to make a get/post/put/patch call to the API directly, the library allows you to chain method names together to let the underlying code build the fetch call for you. This significantly simplify and streamlines your code since all the boilerplate code for creating the call, modifying headers, deserializing responses, error handling, and throttling is done for you. [Continue Reading]

Resolve to Log

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This post has been updated in a more recent post Console Log Better Practices with PnPjs V3. My Sympraxis partner Marc Anderson mentioned that we’ve been talking about PnPJS packages for SharePoint Framework a lot lately and called out that I would be blogging about utilizing the logging package in his post Using PnPJS and Async/Await to Really Simplify Your API Calls. If you haven’t checked it out and aren’t using PnPJS and the Async/Await method instead of Promises in your SharePoint Framework solutions, you should give it a read. [Continue Reading]