I was recently asked by a conference attendee to help him understand when to use the @pnp/logging package that we ship with PnPjs. This is an excellent question, and I’ve addressed it somewhat before in a previous post called Resolve to Log. All of the guidance I included about the package in that post still applies, however the examples references V2 of the library. To recap there is the ability to create a ConsoleLogger, a FunctionalLogger, or a custom listener class and then register that listener to the PnPjs timeline via the PnPLogging behavior. [Read More]
Console Log Better Practices with PnPjs V3
Getting Started with PnPjs
This content has also been posted on Microsoft 365 Platform Community Blog. Introduction As a co-maintainer of the PnPjs library I know it can be difficult for those just starting out with the library. I wanted to introduce a blog post that goes into more depth about how to start your journey. Let’s drive right in. What is PnPjs PnPjs is a collection of fluent libraries for consuming SharePoint, Graph, and Office 365 REST APIs. [Read More]
Resolve to Log
This post has been updated in a more recent post Console Log Better Practices with PnPjs V3. My Sympraxis partner Marc Anderson mentioned that we’ve been talking about PnPJS packages for SharePoint Framework a lot lately and called out that I would be blogging about utilizing the logging package in his post Using PnPJS and Async/Await to Really Simplify Your API Calls. If you haven’t checked it out and aren’t using PnPJS and the Async/Await method instead of Promises in your SharePoint Framework solutions, you should give it a read. [Read More]